Class Survey – Pro Tools Fundamentals This field is hidden when viewing the formProgramThis field is hidden when viewing the formSeasonFallSummerSpringThis field is hidden when viewing the formYearThis field is hidden when viewing the formName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Class(es) Taken (select all that apply) Pro Tools 101 Pro Tools 110 Where did you hear about this class?-- select --WAM WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramWAM Member e-newsletterOtherOther (please specify below)Course FeedbackHow satisfied are you with the following:Overall Training Experience-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedThe Instructor's Level of Expertise-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedThe Quality of Hands-on Activities-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOrganization of Class & Activities-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedSkills learned-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedClass Length-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedConvenience of Class Day/Time-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedAmount of Material-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedEase of Registering for Class-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedClass Accessibility-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedHow did you feel about the level of difficulty of this course: Too difficult to understand. You lost me. A little difficult to understand. It left me a little confused. Perfect amount of difficulty. I feel like a learned a lot! A little too easy to understand. I already knew some of the material. Way too easy, I was bored. Potential to interact with/get feedback from instructor-- select --Very UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery SatisfiedAny comments that would help us make your experience better?Did you have access to Pro Tools at home? Yes No Was it possible for you to direct time outside of class towards class exercises and projects? Yes No This field is hidden when viewing the formComments?Did you feel part of a community during this class experience? Yes, it definitely felt like a community. The class sort of felt like a community. No, I did not feel a sense of community. Please share more below:Would you recommend this course to a friend? Yes No If not, why? (please specify below)Do you plan to enroll in more classes at WAM? Yes Maybe No If not, why? (please specify below)What classes would you like to see offered in the future?Please share any other comments on WAM's membership program or events:How did you learn about Women's Audio Mission?-- select --Prefer not to discloseInstagramTwitterFacebookLinkedInNewsletter or WebsiteA friend or colleagueLongtime supporterInternet SearchSend me announcements and monthly newsletters. Opt-in