WAM Academy Level 2 Survey Thank you so much for attending this year's WAM Academy Level 2 class. Please take a moment to give us your feedback so that we can continue to improve this class in the future. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Where did you hear about this class? WAM Website Facebook Twitter Instagram WAM Member e-newsletter Other Other (please specify below) Course FeedbackHow satisfied are you with the following:Overall Training ExperienceVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedThe Instructor's Level of ExpertiseVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedThe Quality of Hands-on ActivitiesVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedOrganization of Class & ActivitiesVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedSkills learnedVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedClass LengthVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedConvenience of Class day/timeVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedAmount of MaterialVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedEase of Registering for ClassVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedClass accessibilityVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedPotential to interact with/get feedback from instructorVery SatisfiedSatisfiedOKUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedHow did you feel about the level of difficulty of this course: Too difficult to understand. You lost me. A little difficult to understand. It left me a little confused. Perfect amount of difficulty. I feel like a learned a lot! A little too easy to understand. I already knew some of the material. Way too easy, I was bored. Any comments that would help us make your experience better? My favorite topic/session was (pick only one): Large Format Consoles Microphone Choice + Placement Signal Processing Anatomy of a Mix Other Other Why? My least favorite topic/session was (pick only one): Large Format Consoles Microphone Choice + Placement Signal Processing Anatomy of a Mix Other Other Why? Did you feel part of a community during this class experience? Yes, it definitely felt like a community. The class sort of felt like a community. No, I did not feel a sense of community. Comments? Would you recommend this course to a friend? Yes No If not, why not? Do you plan to enroll in more classes at WAM? Yes No Maybe If not, why not? Additional comments: What classes would you like to see offered in the future? Please share any other comments on WAM's membership program or events: How did you learn about Women's Audio Mission?InstagramTwitterFacebookLinkedInNewsletter or WebsiteA friend or colleagueLongtime supporterInternet SearchPrefer not to discloseThank you for providing this information. This information will not be shared other than as de-identifiable statistics -- no personal or identifying information will ever be shared.Send me announcements and monthly newsletters. Opt-in