Changing the face of sound by providing hands-on training, work experience, career counseling, and job placement to over 2,000 women/girls/gender-expansive individuals every year in creative technology for music, radio, film, television, and the internet.



Changing the face of sound by providing hands-on training, work experience, career counseling, and job placement to over 2,000 women/girls/gender-expansive individuals every year in creative technology for music, radio, film, television, and the internet.


  • "Women's Audio Mission has a proven track record of deploying innovative programs that leverage information and communication technology to benefit women and vulnerable communities in California..."

  • "Over the past 40 years the Kronos Quartet has recorded in the finest studios in the world, and I can unequivocally state that it is always a pleasure to record our projects at Women's Audio Mission."

  • "Despite all the women singers you can think of, less than 5% of the people working in the field of music production & recording arts are women—Women's Audio Mission is changing that, one student at a time."

  • "I commend your dedication to providing critical training opportunities to the women of our community."